It is 2:20 am and wide awake I AM. Many thoughts about life running through my mind at this time preventing me from sleep time. My thoughts take me to the place of my heart and my mind reminds me, it really does not matter what your intention is and how genuine you are there are those who will not accept you or your light. We all hold a certain perception and intention to every situation and activity within our lives. Some individuals hold it in a very quiet place within and others offer it to others to be felt and known.
For my entire life, I have wore my feelings on my sleeves. I am open and as honest as possible and open my heart to almost everyone I meet, allowing them to either accept me or not. However, when I have opened my heart to those who I thought I knew or would like to know and it is rejected, my emotions have always taken me into a place of rejection and sadness wondering what I had done or what I have said to create such a lack of response.
My life has always been one of family and friendship. It is true, I meet individuals and believe without doubt that their intentions are as mine, when we all know that is not even close to the truth.
Twice this month I trusted the words of those selling something and have found that it was a scam and I started to think about how this has become a way of life in our world.
It has always been and I guess always will be until we reach the place of enlightenment as
a planetary consciousness. The lesson I have had to learn and I guess not that well, is that we can not just trust another human being by what they are saying for them it is easy to lie to your face, take your money and have no consciousness of right or wrong, just do whatever they want and without any remorse. I called these young boys because of their behavior not their ages. But, I was reminded they were young men because they were in the 20’s. This gave them more responsibility for their actions.
I have worked on myself in this life to not let this happen, but, the truth is my heart and mind do not work that way, I meet someone they tell me and I accept it as the truth to only find out they were just setting me up..I did ask this time for proof of their charity and thought I had received it, I didn’t of course they just give me a conversation and shown some papers and so thought these two young men were sincere and of course you know by now they were not.
My thoughts have led me to this sad place within that our free will has made it okay to be mean, to lie, to deceive and to hurt others without any emotion about it. There are those of us who don’t think like that ever, we would never lie or deceive someone on purpose.
And no matter how hard I work at it, I am one who walks right into their deception because I choose to believe in people, I choose to believe that people are honest and caring and I do know without a doubt that is so no true.
It happens in my relationships, I don’t understand how individuals can be rude and mean when you don’t even know them, understanding it is their own energy and what they put out they will if they are not already getting it back. I open my home and let people into my life and have been rejected, hurt and ignored and it is my own home. It is remarkable to me that we live in a world where rudeness is accepted as an excuse for something, lies are accepted and being taken advantage of is the normal. However, I continue to chose the path that keeps my heart open and giving. There are times like tonight where sleep is a distant desire because my mind is working through the emotions. I know some think I am stupid or dumb, or just unaware, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I am very aware and I am very awake and I continue to take the chance with those who enter my life because I really want to see the good and kind in people. I really do, it is not a weakness as some would like to believe about me, it is actually my strenght because I remain true to myself and to my beliefs and it keeps me from losing faith in humanity.
Do I complain, of course, am I sarcastic at times, yes, it is my mechanism to handle the discomfort and the facts are there is an entire breed of people who just don’t care about other people, they don’t open up to their own inner light and they hurt others because they really just don’t care about them. And I choose not to become someone like that.
I have learned to “Bless” myself free from their lack of compassion and consideration, kindness and their abilities to take life and other human beings for granted and they would rather be a person who lies and takes advantage of others.
When we walk upon this very tiny planet, we are walking with our brothers and sisters of the Creator and so we are one big family who has brothers and sisters who are bullies, liars, hateful and who we absolutely don’t trust. There are brothers and sisters who know who to hurt and take for granted and take from them just because they can and they do, and there are brothers and sisters who forgive and let live (although, there may be words and hurt emotions) we continue in the relationships because after all we are all connected by the same parents, of the Heavenly Holies.
Kindness and compassion are often mistaken for weakness, but,I can assure you that is not correct for those who chose to live in their world with kindness and compassion are the strongest of all because they walk with God and know that those who behave, live and act out of rudeness, meanness and rob and steal and hurt others physically and mentally are the weakest of all in their Divine Will, they chose to ignore their goodness and they refuse to be thankful and kind; for life has been difficult and harsh perhaps, yet, it is no excuse. For within all of us is the Light of God and the energy of Divine Will. For many it is because their lives have not been filled with love and caring, joy and abundance, therefore, for them it is justified that they hurt others and take from them. I pray that one day they reach deep inside and they find the Light of God and that they accept there is another way of living. WE can not judge another’s journey but, we don’t have to accept their way into our lives. What we can do is forgive and bless no matter how hurtful and painful the situation has been, to be mean back, to hate and to not to forgive is a much deeper pain that blocks us from loving ourselves and others.
So yes, those young men took me as a fool, got a check (which I canceled) and thought they pulled another fast one, did and didn’t. Yes, those who enter my home or life and refuse my kindness and friendship and made a point or hurt me, in actuality, they have only hurt themselves for their blessing basket did not receive blessing, their debt basket grew and the karma at the end will be theirs and theirs alone.
So I guess at the end of the day, the actions of others must be disengaged from and given to a higher place. And for me, it is to realize that life is as it is meant to be for everyone learn their lessons and by the grace of God receive healing and acceptance of those things we believe have caused us harm and accept the Grace of Forgiveness and know that it does not belong to us and has nothing to do with us except for a moment in time when we were a part of someone else’s journey as we continue on our own journey.
Yesterday being Thanksgiving, I thought about how family and friends are the most important to me in this world and I am so thankful that my family was here with good food, laughter and conversation and each one who came had the opportunity to be love and a part of the whole. Thanksgiving is for us to know we are loved and a part of something bigger than just ourselves.
Thanksgiving is not about the food (although yummy) it is a time to gather and to be together,
to share and to love....Laughter helps us heal and Laughter brings us closer together.
When we make time for our family and friends we are feeding ourselves light and love and today I was fed plenty. I am so grateful.
To All those I love and all those who I am to love in the future...Let us remain true to ourselves and fill our blessing baskets with effortlessness and be joyful to do so.