Thursday, January 2, 2014

Saying Good Bye

Friendship to me is one of the most powerful gifts that we are allowed to receive in this life.  In my life my friends are extremely important to me and I believe what we put into our friendships creates the friendships we have.  
I have been blessed with some of the most awesome friendships and I treasure them all.
One day about 7 years ago a new woman showed up at one of my groups and when she came into the circle her energy filled the space with light and joy.  She held these very special energies of being  friendly, open and thankful.  I knew I wanted to know about her, I wanted to know her, know her story.  We started out slowly in our friendship but over the years she has become one of my very closest friends, someone I know without doubt would never hurt me on purpose and would speak the truth even if it was difficult for me to hear.  She wanted to be in the classes and workshops to learn more about her spirituality and healing abilities (which are very strong, advanced) and started attending our parties and our potlucks and we continued to connect and our families united and spent lot of wonderful time together.
To my shock and sadness she passed away unexpectedly two days ago, leaving her children and family in shock.  The depth of loss felt in our community and lives is huge, the outpouring to her family and children never ending, they come to honor this wonderful woman who made such a difference in so many lives.
Today I spent the day alone feeling the empty space felt since she passed.  I was reflecting on the blessings she brought into my life and to my friends, students and clients.  She gave of herself to everyone who needed or required help.  An angel of service with goodness and kindness.
When our lives have been blessed with a someone so special it is important for us to take the time to remember and reflect on their lives and give gratitude through love.
I have been blessed with awesome friends, women and men who are courageous and have strength, who have gone through some of the most difficult times in their lives and have allowed themselves to heal and then offer their joy, light, knowledge and wisdom.  I have never taken my friendships for granted, I believe the more we put into a relationship the more the friendship grows and the deeper the connection.
Of course what comes with that is the pain and loss when someone passes and makes their transition.
Friendships that are strong and powerful come from cultivating them with kindness, gratitude, attention, being present in their lives.  Sharing and trusting in another, as well as forgiveness when things become difficult and situations arise causing chaos or stress in one’s life.
For my friend who passed away, I shall miss her always, I shall pray for her, I shall watch over her children and be there for her family and always remember the many blessings she brought to my life and my family.  I shall always be thankful to God for having us  meet.
I believe she will continue to bring her light and love to all of us.  She will watch over her children and family and whisper the truth to us and guide us as our guardian angel.
I don’t say any of this lightly for I have faith in life everlasting..  And I mostly believe in the goodness of people and their kindness.  As she has been a divine light on earth she will continue to be a divine light in the universe.
A friend of mine, Jeanne gave me this poem just last week when we had lunch and now this poem is dedicated to  Donna with all the love and gratitude I can bless her with.
I AM Love
I AM Love, a drop from the eternal ocean
I come from Love, I return to Love
My drop of Love catches a ride on a spark of light
I come to experience, to create
in this playground of God
The light, my container,
A powerful tool - a body with thought and feeling
Allows me earth’s precious experience
My drop resides in the center of light
With my heart the only true teacher
I AM LOVE, riding the light until it fades
Lost in the trappings of the mind
Attached to the illusions of experience
I sometimes forget I am Love’s perfection
But when I leave this experience of riding the light
I return to Love’s embrace
To remember I have always been LOVE
I release the illusion of imperfection
For I am Love, I come from Love, I return to Love
By Ellie Drew & Mindrol
With love, your friend, Marty
God Bless You!

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