Friday, October 1, 2010

Faith and Discernment

Upperself, Innerself, outside self... What?

When learning about discernment, what is it that you are looking at? Where do you get your information from?

When your a kid, as all children do, you receive your primary information from your parents. You see them as your example. You live to their standards, and live by learning from their example. Then you start seeing other examples. Your grandparents, your other family members, and other close associations within the family circle. What you learn from these sources are what you will carry for the rest of your life. Look at your family, and their examples, as this is what you will pass on to others, and if you have children, you will pass these values on to them. 

And then the big explosion occurs, you begin your education. What happens when you first encounter something that doesn’t fit within you bounds of understanding of how things should be? Do you just let it go? Do you encounter, and cause conflict because it is not supposed to be that way? Do you follow along blindly as many do or do you make a stand and be solid on your belief?

That is the crux point in your existence. That is the turning point in your life. You start to see the world in another fashion. You see what is really outside of your box. Either you adsorb it, as you feel it is a justified point in reality, or you reject it, and learn from the experience. You know that in all things there is a truth, either spoken or unspoken. 

When you are exposed to outside influences, you learn to “discern” what is a truth to you. You learn from experiences, school, church, and many sources of information. You adapt according to what is inside of you. What has been ingrained in your soul. 

You hear that many are on a path. What path is that? Your soul path, your life path, and spiritual walk, etc, etc, and etc...

What are you doing? You study, listen, hear many opinions, but is that your truth. How do you suffer out what is yours, and is not yours?

Only you can tell that for yourself. Within it is known, that we all are born into a world of corrupt opinionated personages. Many who are willing to push belief systems onto us. Where do you become you? Do you just make a difference in what you believe? Stand fast on what you believe.

Discerning of spirits is the supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit to perceive the source of a spiritual manifestation and determine whether it is of God (Acts 10:30-35), of the devil (Acts 16:16-18), of man (Acts 8:18-23), or of the world. It is not mind reading, psychic phenomena, or the ability to criticize and find fault. 

Discerning of spirits must be done by the power of the Holy Spirit; He bears witness with our spirit when something is or is not of God. The gift of discerning of spirits is the supernatural power to detect the realm of the spirits and their activities. It implies the power of spiritual insight - the supernatural revelation of plans and purposes of the enemy and his forces. It is a gift which protects and guards your Christian life. 

How to Test a Spirit 

You can discern or test whether or not a spirit is of God by the following three ways:

1Observing what a person does. In Matthew 7:15-20, Jesus explains that false prophets are known by their fruit - by their conduct and actions.
2Observing whether or not a person exalts Jesus Christ as the Son of God and as Lord and Saviour (I Corinthians 12:3).
3By listening to what a person says (I John 4:1-3). Does their confession line up with the truth of God's Word?

With Love and understanding,


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