Friday, October 22, 2010
What Will You Do When the Collapse of the U.S. Dollar Wipes Out Half of Your Wealth?
Love and Light..
I came across some shocking information recently that has little to do with health -- but I think everyone should know this before it's too late to do anything about it.
Last month, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) issued an announcement saying ... the recession is over.
In fact, the NBER stated: "The recession ended in June 2009, making it the longest downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s."
But is the recession really over?
Not by a long shot.
Unemployment remains at a painfully high 9.6% ... people still struggle to pay their bills from day to day ... and according to a CNN report on September 16, the nation's poverty rate jumped to 14.3% last year, and that means 1 out of 7 Americans (almost 44 million) are living in poverty.
And ... the value of currency continues to plummet! What does this mean to you?
Let me explain this as clearly as I can by giving you an example:
Suppose you have $2,000 in the bank on Friday afternoon. When the bank opens on Monday, you still have the same $2,000 in your bank account, but because the value of the U.S. dollar has collapsed, you now have 50% less buying power. So if you wanted to buy something that would've cost you $500 on Friday, it will now cost you $1,000. You've literally wiped out one half of your buying power -- and consequently wiped out half of your wealth!
And that's not all. What if you had a retirement account or money market holdings? Half of your funds would vanish into thin air when the coming currency devaluation happens.
And happen, it will. The writing is on the wall. The trillion-dollar deficit has caused the government to keep printing money without the backing of precious metals -- and that practically guarantees that the U.S. dollar will be devalued to the point of collapse.
That's a scary thought, isn't it? That's what I thought, too.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Set Me Free-Casting Crowns
Thinking of How things are to people. Those that are lost, and forgotten. Life moves on, and know that you have a value to your life. It is not always known, but it makes a difference to someone.
Life has its ups and downs, but we do endure. Many look to move on to the "Next" dimension, but all I know is here and now. Live, Love, Laugh, and take it all as a day at a time. Know that all are but a mere reflection of what you truly are. A glass seen only through dimly.
"Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might"
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Jon Stewart Interviews Jesus About Ground Zero Mosque
I woke up last night to the sound of laughing and realized I'd fallen asleep
with the TV on. It was 3 AM and I knew it was Jon Stewart but I had to fumble
around for my glasses to see who his guest was. Unbelievable! It was Jesus, in
his robe and all. His nose was bigger than I thought, his skin a lot darker, but
his eyes were more piercing than I'd ever imagined. It was like light came out
instead of going into them.
John was making some joke about both of them being Jews and Jesus, after
laughing harder than I thought he would, said quite seriously to Jon, "Yeah,
that's one of the weirdest things, isn't it? How could they forget that?"
Jon was all over him with questions from the daily news. What was his take on
the whole Mosque/Ground Zero fiasco? Jesus said he'd seen some newscasts on the
story and couldn't believe the drama and fear it was bringing up. "They want to
build a public building for prayer, education and community gathering. That's a
good thing. A better thing perhaps, would be the construction of an interfaith
building, There's room for everyone, and it's these distinctions between
religions that's causing all the problems in the first place."
Jon looked incredulous. "An interfaith building??"
"Yes, a multi-tasking mosque, with a synagogue, chapel and meditation hall in
it. A building where people of different faiths come together to make a better
world together. That's the point of religion right? It's not about doctrine.
It's a plan for action, an opportunity to be a communal force for good. Religion
is just the map. Faith is the real adventure."
"I don't know...." said Stewart, making one of those funny mouth movements he
does after hearing a strange idea.
Jesus pipes in, "What could be better in that spot than a building that
represents, by its very structure, a coming together, a new vision that goes
beyond religious borders? It's like taking a good idea and making it great. The
real prophets of the day know this. Where are their voices? Why aren't you
interviewing them?"
"Hmm, I thought I was," says Stewart, tapping his pencil on the desk.
"You know why you have border issues here? Because you believe the borders are
real, like they MEAN something. Muslin against Christian, Mexican against
American, Republican against Democrat-all those borders are made up. You put up
walls to defend your ideas-and not even your OWN, but ideas passed down to you
from someone else-and then you make other people look like demons. It's no
wonder this country is in a state of collapse. You don't even get it how
connected you are. You're like five fingers on a hand who think they're separate
and make up reasons why not to get along."
Jon sat there with his mouth open.
"You're like children playing war games. You spend all your time, all your
energy attacking the "other side" instead of realizing you need to bridge the
two sides in order to get across to a higher level of thinking. Even news shows
are at war. Look at how you make fun of FOX. What light does that add to the
world? All the time you could be giving to real visionaries, all the ways you
could be role-modeling good behavior, showing the audience how it really WORKS
to bring great and opposing minds together, and you sit there poking fun at
another station. That's really enlightened, isn't it?"
This was the first time I'd ever seen Jon Stewart speechless. He looked like an
embarrassed 6th grader. No pencil tapping now. More like a puppy with his tail
between his legs.
"What in the world are you people doing? The ones who call themselves
"religious" are often the most immature, the most judgmental and intolerant.
What is THAT about? That's exactly the opposite of what every religion teaches.
And I mean EVERY religion," Jesus said, as he looked away from Stewart and spoke
right to the camera.
"All the religions say two basic things," he said, holding up his fingers in a
peace sign. "First, there is no distance between you and this one you call God.
God is the creative force behind all things. It's invisible, but you are the
manifestation of it. I'm telling you, the Sistine Chapel should have been a
The audience laughs, but Stewart stares into those deep eyes of the Nazarene.
He goes on, " You are the eyes, the hands, the feet of that creative force. That
energy is in you. It's called your breath." He holds up his index finger and
taps on it a few times. "That's the first thing. Don't think there's some man
out there pulling strings. Grow up. This civilization-if you can call it that-is
YOUR creation. This earth, it is not a bunch of resources to be exploited. It is
not to be owned. It is your mother, the womb that you sprang from. You are its
consciousness, its neural cells. The whole earth is the organism that you belong
to. You did not come down to earth, you came up from earth, as I did. Its
well-being is in your hands. Can you be proud of what you're doing? Are you
going to be the ones who kill it off, after all that talk about pro-life?"
Jesus was getting a little worked up, like that day he stormed through the
temple turning over the merchants' tables. Jon cut to a commercial, "And we'll
be right back to hear the 2nd basic thing from our guest tonight, ladies and
gentlemen, the Jewish prophet Jesus of Nazareth. Stay tuned..."
They were laughing about something when they returned from the commercial, Jesus
stretched out in his chair with his long lanky legs covered by his tunic, his
sandaled feet hidden under the desk.
"OK," Jon says, "You were saying there were two things. Let me see if I got this
right. There's no bearded guy up there on a cloud. That God we talk about and
fight over is the creative force inside us and around us? It's invisible and
we're like....(a long pause) its shadow?"
"Not exactly," says Jesus. We're like the physical form of the same energy. The
ice cube version of water or steam. Same elements, different form. The sea and
the iceberg. You're all icebergs in the Sea of God," he said, half-laughing at
his own quaint metaphor. "But the problem is you don't realize that underneath
it all, you're all connected. There's just one big iceberg with a lot of tips.
The truth is, you're Creation continuing the co-creation of Itself."
"Oh my," says Stewart. "Let's leave that discussion to Bill Moyers, What about
number two? What's the number two thing we're supposed to know?"
Jesus holds up his two fingers again, tapping the tip of his middle finger. The
camera zoomed in so closely on him I could see a scar on his forehead. "It's not
so much what you need to know-that's part of the problem, all these peoples'
belief systems. That's what gets you in trouble. No one has to believe in me to
get to heaven. A...there is no heaven to get to and B, it's not what you believe
but how you act that matters. If anyone learned anything from reading that Bible
they should have picked up that one. There's 3000 references to helping the poor
in there. But let me get back..."
"Yes," says Stewart. "The second thing.."
"The second thing is this: forget everything you ever learned in any holy book
and just treat everyone like a brother and a sister. I mean that literally. If
it were your brother coming across the border...your sister with cancer and no
health care....your child unable to get an education....your mother with no food
in her house. And even further, your brother who was gay or hated gays, your
sister who was a corrupt politician, your brother who bombed an abortion clinic,
your sister who got an abortion. What does it look like to love unconditionally?
To bridge differences, to come together over what we can agree on? Can you get
through one day without thinking you're better or less than another? That's the
thing to strive for. That is living faithfully."
"But...but..." says Stewart. "What about the Tea Partyers, the terrorists, what
about Fox News and hate crimes?"
"If you think they are so different from you, be the opposite of what you think
they are and enact that powerfully in the world. Don't focus on who's wrong.
Just be a greater force for good."
"Not focus on who's wrong? How could I do my show?"
"Exactly. Remember what Gandhi said? Be the change you want to see in the
"Sure. I have that quotation on my refrigerator."
"Well, it's time to take it further. You're evolving as a people. You've come
through the Dark Ages, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the wrongly named
Period of Enlightenment. You're now in the Information Age. You are growing your
consciousness. In the physical world, you have Olympic marathon trainers who run
10 miles or more a day. They spend every waking hour in training, eating the
right foods, researching the right clothing and equipment, working out,
following a discipline. And in the metaphysical world, the spiritual world, you
have people doing the same-they are your mystics and prophets-engaging in
spiritual practice, accelerating their wisdom, expanding their consciousness,
transcending judgment and radiating love into the world. You might be in that
Stewart does one of his choking, ahem things, putting his hand over his mouth.
"Out of the question," he says frankly. "I thrive on judgment."
"Good to know yourself. You're all evolving at different rates. In the fall,
when you look at a maple tree, you see leaves that are green, yellow, orange and
red. They don't all change at the same time. And that's what makes life
exciting. You all know different things. That's why you need each other. Like
that guy Ken Wilbur said, "You're all right, only partly so."
Stewart nods his head in agreement, tapping his pencil on the table again.
"But back to Gandhi. I agree with what he said, but I'll say it a different way,
just to shake things up a bit, which I love to do. By the way, it'd make a great
bumper sticker: Be the God you want to see in the world."
"Oh-oh, sounds blasphemous to me," says Stewart.
"You know as well as I do, every good idea starts out as a blasphemy."
"OK, great, we're out of time," says Stewart, as the camera swings over for a
shot of the audience. They're all standing, some crying and laughing at the same
time, the most incredible look of collective awe I've ever seen. And Jesus walks
over like Jay Leno and starts shaking hands with them. What a night!
The End
Jan Phillips, author/speaker - The Art of Original Thinking-The |
Friday, October 15, 2010
How to Hold A Government & (the world) Hostage
I read an article about the "FED" "Federal Reserve Bank" which really isn't a bank at all, but a private corporation, which is in the business of making money. And I mean, really making money. They print money, or should I say, they really don't print money. They make an order for money to be printed, which as I understand is supposed to be controlled by our congress, and then "Loan" the money to our government, which is paid for by "OUR" Treasury. They loan us our own money. Humm, something just seems out of place with that one.
They are basically printing money that doesn't exist, then we pay for it with "Real" money, which is gold or whatever form they do it with, then we pay interest on something that doesn't exist either, with "Real" money.
I remember the "Stimulus" that was printed and dumped on our markets, to "Stimulate" our economy. What happens when you have more of something, and nothing to actually back it up with? It is called devaluation. Basically what that means, the more you have of something the less it is worth. The less it is worth, it takes more of to buy stuff?
I remember a few years ago, when they were talking about the inflation rate. How it was rising which they said was good for the economy. I am truly not sure how this works, cause from my standpoint, when inflation goes up, the money is worth less, which makes prices go up, which you have to work harder to make enough to buy stuff. Which means you buy less with what you get. How, as I ask, is that a good thing?
We become the sheeple this way, cause you are burned out, so you have a foggy head all the time, so when they come to get you, cause you owe for all that "Stuff", and you cant pay for it anymore. How is this good?
You must remember, when you have a centralized bank, the banks and industry control the government and country. At this point, I know who is in control. The BANKS, and bankers. They truly control the world at this point. As long as we allow it. J.F.K. knew this, and that is why he wrote and executive order that disbanded the Federal Reserve. It is still on the books, not modified or deleted. As is! No President or standing government has done anything to enact this LAW! It was a Lawful order passed, and not rec-ended.
I pray daily that our government will get it together, but as I say, they are bought and paid for, and I cant afford them anymore. Everyone talks change, but as soon as they get in office, they become just like the last one that was in office. Bought and paid for.
That's enough for now. Thanks for listening. Hope it isn't too late, but something inside of me says other wise.
May God be with you daily as you walk in the world of the wondering shadows.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
This is the first lesson ye should learn
Edgar Cayce Reading 3063-1
Friday, October 1, 2010
The Mercy Seat of God
How is it possible for a thrice holy God to dwell in the midst of a sinful people? God's arrangement in both the Old and New Testaments is by means of the blood of the sin-offering sprinkled on the Mercy Seat--God's throne of mercy.
The throne of God is a blood sprinkled throne. There is no other approach to a holy God.
Nothing was left to chance in something as serious as a holy and righteous God meeting with sinful man. This was serious business. The Tabernacle symbolized the only way in which a guilty sinner could approach God.
God revealed the way of approach for man in the books of Exodus and Leviticus. Man can come to God only through the shedding of blood. We have observed incipient teaching on this subject in Genesis 3:21; 4:4; 8:20-21; 15:12ff; 22:8ff, and Exodus 12:13, 23.
The clear teaching in the Tabernacle symbolism is the atonement for the guilty sinner on the Mercy Seat. God declared His holiness and revealed the purpose of redemption. He declared how He could be a just God and at the same time justify the guilty sinner (Romans 3:26-30).
The Tabernacle vividly pictured the place of sacrifice in the flowing and sprinkling of the blood and the coming of the perfect Lamb of God that would take away the sin of the world. Inwardly it symbolized the place where God met with sinful man on the Mercy Seat.
The Tabernacle was composed of two rooms separated by a thick veil or woven curtain. The first room was entered from the outside and was called the Holy Place. The second room was entered through the Holy Place and was called the Most Holy Place or Holy of Holies. There was only one piece of furniture in the Holy of Holies and it was the Ark of the Covenant with the Mercy Seat on top of it.
The Ark of the Covenant was a chest about 23 inches wide, 39 inches long, and 23 inches high, made of wood and covered inside and out on all sides with gold. Inside this chest was a golden jar containing manna, the two tablets of the Law and Aaron's budded rod. The chest was mounted on four legs and had four rings for two gold-covered poles by which the ark was carried. King David called the Ark "the footstool of our God" (1 Chronicles 28:2).
The Ark contained the testimony of God to Israel. The Ark of the Covenant was "covered on all sides with gold, in which was a golden jar holding the manna, and Aaron’s rod which budded, and the tables of the covenant" (Hebrews 9:4, NASB 1995). The service of the Tabernacle was meaningless and valueless without the Ark of the Covenant. It symbolized the place where God upon His throne met with His people.
Jewish scholars have often noted the Ark was a symbol that God was present among His people and that His covenant blessing was resting upon them. The whole sanctuary was built for no other purpose, but to be as it were a house, a habitation for the Ark (cf. Ex. 26:33).
The Ark contained the tables of the covenant or Ten Commandments that expressed the obligations of the chosen people of God. Christ is the only person who has ever lived up to demands of the law.
The Ark also contained a pot of manna as a testimony of God's provision for His people during their forty year journey before they entered into the promised land. It foreshadowed Christ as the Bread of Life. The daily provision of manna was God's grace meeting the need of His people in the wilderness.
The third item was Aaron's budded rod that reminded the people of the revolt against the leadership of Moses and Aaron (Num. 17). Aaron's rod had brought forth buds, and blossomed, and yielded almonds. It was a testimony against the rebels. The dead rod of almond wood came to life and bore fruit, just as God's chosen Messiah came to life after His crucifixion and bears fruit even today.
The Ark is known by various names in the Old Testament. It is "the ark of the testimony" (Ex. 25:22), "ark of the covenant" (Num. 10:33), "ark of the covenant of the LORD" (Josh. 3:17), "the Ark of God" (1 Sam. 3:3), "the Ark of the LORD God" (Yahweh) (1 Kin. 2:26). It is "the holy ark" in 2 Chronicles 35:3, and "the ark of Thy strength" (Ps. 132:8).
It was carried about in the wilderness from one camping place to another with two golden covered poles born on the shoulders of the Levites (Ex. 25:12-15; cf. 2 Sam. 6:2-11).
That is truly amazing!
Faith and Discernment
When learning about discernment, what is it that you are looking at? Where do you get your information from?
When your a kid, as all children do, you receive your primary information from your parents. You see them as your example. You live to their standards, and live by learning from their example. Then you start seeing other examples. Your grandparents, your other family members, and other close associations within the family circle. What you learn from these sources are what you will carry for the rest of your life. Look at your family, and their examples, as this is what you will pass on to others, and if you have children, you will pass these values on to them.
And then the big explosion occurs, you begin your education. What happens when you first encounter something that doesn’t fit within you bounds of understanding of how things should be? Do you just let it go? Do you encounter, and cause conflict because it is not supposed to be that way? Do you follow along blindly as many do or do you make a stand and be solid on your belief?
That is the crux point in your existence. That is the turning point in your life. You start to see the world in another fashion. You see what is really outside of your box. Either you adsorb it, as you feel it is a justified point in reality, or you reject it, and learn from the experience. You know that in all things there is a truth, either spoken or unspoken.
When you are exposed to outside influences, you learn to “discern” what is a truth to you. You learn from experiences, school, church, and many sources of information. You adapt according to what is inside of you. What has been ingrained in your soul.
You hear that many are on a path. What path is that? Your soul path, your life path, and spiritual walk, etc, etc, and etc...
What are you doing? You study, listen, hear many opinions, but is that your truth. How do you suffer out what is yours, and is not yours?
Only you can tell that for yourself. Within it is known, that we all are born into a world of corrupt opinionated personages. Many who are willing to push belief systems onto us. Where do you become you? Do you just make a difference in what you believe? Stand fast on what you believe.
Discerning of spirits is the supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit to perceive the source of a spiritual manifestation and determine whether it is of God (Acts 10:30-35), of the devil (Acts 16:16-18), of man (Acts 8:18-23), or of the world. It is not mind reading, psychic phenomena, or the ability to criticize and find fault.
Discerning of spirits must be done by the power of the Holy Spirit; He bears witness with our spirit when something is or is not of God. The gift of discerning of spirits is the supernatural power to detect the realm of the spirits and their activities. It implies the power of spiritual insight - the supernatural revelation of plans and purposes of the enemy and his forces. It is a gift which protects and guards your Christian life.
How to Test a Spirit
You can discern or test whether or not a spirit is of God by the following three ways:
1 | Observing what a person does. In Matthew 7:15-20, Jesus explains that false prophets are known by their fruit - by their conduct and actions. |
2 | Observing whether or not a person exalts Jesus Christ as the Son of God and as Lord and Saviour (I Corinthians 12:3). |
3 | By listening to what a person says (I John 4:1-3). Does their confession line up with the truth of God's Word? |