Dear President Obama,
My name is Martha Turner and this morning I was awaken by my dream of being shot just walking my dog. It is all the violence that has erupted in our country.that has been on my mind and in my soul. My partner Gerald Martin and I as so many Americans are concerned about the violence in our country. We watch over and over on the news where people are depressed and lost and feel they can not survive, that they have no joy any longer and end up doing horrible things because they do not have any help to figure out what has happened to them. They just feel that our country has let them down.
I have been thinking about this for along time and I wanted to know how did our people become so depressed and despirt in our country? What is driving them to these shootings? What is driving them to all this gang warfare and children bullying to a degree that it is down right horrible? What has happen to us?
I don’t think we are focused on the correct issues, I think it is not about the guns at the end of the day, the bad guys will have the guns no matter what the law is and we know this is true because of our history in this world. Law abiding citizens are the same and the bad guys are the same. I think what has changed is the state of consciousness in our country. The scales are not balanced any longer. We are facing more and more people who are just frustrated, angry and feel they just can’t make it any longer. I am 63 years old and Gerald almost 50 and we a part of a different time when we didn’t see all this violence and it is clear that we are a part of a country of unhappy, depressed and lost people who struggle day in and day out just trying to make ends meet. Those of us who pay our bills and work are on a treadmill of working and sleeping, working and sleeping because our finances are out of balance. We the people do not feel there is justice for all, we do not feel Congress and the Senate our working for us. They really don’t have a pulse on the people.
We drove across country last year, and I must say the state and condition in which some people are forced to live is just unsettling in our country. The small business can not make it because the cost of everything is not just high it is absolutely outrageous. We pay taxes on every little tiny thing which eats away the hard earned money for those keep this country moving.
It is a downright shame about our military families receive a pay that does not support their families and is not an equal exchange of energy, as they are the very people that keep us free, congress does not keep us free, the men and women who have to face war every day and live to protect us and keep us free suffer in their finances. And the people who we entrust our children with every day, the teachers with little pay but big hearts and dedication work hard to educate our children, our future is in their hands and they are not given an equal exchange of money for their most important job - taking care of our children.
How on earth did that happen, what happen to the states taking care of our children exactly what is more important than our children?
Our children are just plain lost and have only seen war, fighting in congress and their parents struggling and hurting just to live . They have learned that our country is in a mess and there may be nothing for them as they grow older. We have children starving and not going to school and I just don’t understand it.
I do not believe we are focused on the correct issue, the question is ‘WHY ARE WE SO DEPRESSED AND DESPERATE IN THE GREATEST NATION IN THE WORLD?
I love our country, I love being an American, but, as an American I am wondering why we have to live in such confusion, lack of support and lack of truth.
We the people: United we stand, Divided we fall. It looks to me that our country is falling because our Congress and Senate is divided and fighting as if they were the only ones who know what is needed for us and to be honest, they are out of touch with the people of America. We resent their pay, we resent their attitudes and we resent how they live. They have become more than they were even intended to be. They were intended to serve their communities, their state and we do not see that, we see childish men fighting every day, fighting, teaching our children to fight and be angry and end up not doing anything to serve the people of America that pay their wages.
Mr. President, as an American citizen, I am asking you with my heart and soul,
please look at this very real issue in our country. We are not free when we are bond to
pain, suffering, lost and our the scales of ‘THE LIBERTY of JUSTICE are off balance.
We the people are asked to follow the laws that are the structure of our country, my question is why does congress and the senate are free not to?
Thank you Mr. President for reading our letter, it is just a thought by people who truly are worried about the people of our country and know in my heart we need a different kind of help. We need to face the facts and that is the gun law is not the issue, the people who are feeling so depressed and desperate, so lost and so misunderstood and stuck in darkness reach out for help when it is too late.....
Martha Turner & Gerald Martin