Thursday, November 15, 2012

Resolution of Duality

Greetings To All,

Resolution of Duality:

In 1992 when the 11:11 Activation took place around the world on January 11, 1992 the conscious intentions “No Time, No Space, No Duality”.  It has been a 20 year activation allowing us to open and move forward and prepare for this time in our planetary history.

Duality is a perception we have been taught that polarities are opposites because of the way we perceive them.  Separation and Duality.It is our journey to integrate our polarities and transmute our limiting belief systems - once we transmute this belief we also assist in the collective reality and it also shifts - revealing greaterinseparable unity.

Our collective reality is a dreamstate and we each effect it by our own thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.  We together in our collective reality are preparing to take a quantum leap towards an evolutionary process of resolving duality creating a massive change/shift from one thought form into a new one where we become whole, shifting our consciousness to a reality of inseparable Unity.Let us be more responsible for our own thoughts, feelings, words and actions.  Let us heal the duality of separation and create a stronger and blessed way of living as we all take this next part of this journey together and create “Inseparable Unity”...  

 It is our next soul step...How do we accomplish this?  The windows of time exist within everyone and the hearts of humanity learn to live in a way of Unity that serves the totally of all, rather than self serving separation and inflexible concepts of separation and division.  The Collective Mind chooses Heaven on Earth with a journey of transformation and transfiguration of light and clarity of Unity for the good of all.

As these transformations take place there will be old belief systems released to make room for the new reality to unfold.  The understanding of the cosmic consciousness moving and shifting through all opens the doorway to new perceptions and creative expression.

This doorway will change our way of living and being.  There will be upheaval as we release the old and welcome in the new.  It is our evolution and it is our  time to graduate to the next step in the evolution of Humanity.  We are ready....We are the Light, the Love and the Action into the new dimension of Being Whole and United....We are ready to serve all and assist each other as walk through the Doorway Home - Heaven on Earth.

The energy of love, healing and joy resonate in the hearts of those that accept and allow transformation to be a new way of being (not just preparing for the shift) but, living it as the shift changes and moves our collective consciousness as we create the place everyone is preparing to travel to and that is HEAVEN ON EARTH.  Right here on our beautiful planet.  A new consciousness, a new perception, a new reality....This shift is but the beginning to a newand creative expression of living here....this transformation is within the human soul and chooses to seek out the songs and the dance in UNITY.

Blessings of Light and Transformation,


Understanding the Mayan Oracle

Live, Love and Create Unity

United we stand - Divided we is our collective reality that will make the

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