Monday, September 20, 2010

The Gentle and Forgotten Art of Blessings

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's All Good

DO NOT jump at conclusions. Analyze ALL relationships. Hold no grudges, no feelings, because others have not applied or do not apply that as ye feel to be right, or ye feel should be. Suppose self in the other individual's place, and hold thy tongue from speaking guile or evil of anyone.
Edgar Cayce Reading 2074-1


"instead of hating the people you think are war-makers, hate the appetites and disorder in your own soul, which are the causes of war. if you love peace, then hate injustice, hate tyranny, hate greed -- but hate these things in yourself, not in another."

thomas merton, "new seeds of contemplation"

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What’s it going to take to return America to God?

What’s it going to take to return America to God? Think of a religion that is allowed to lie to you, to further their religion. Human nature is to lie, not God’s. Where do we go from here. In America where the belief system has become the destruction. To believe only in oneself.

To think that all that you need is within you, is truly lacking. I know that God is within me, and all that is within me is all that I need. I live, breath, eat, work, sleep, and just live. What else is there? You see, feel, know, therefore I am. What are you lacking?

You always seek, and do you find? In this nation of explorers, and inquisitors, what else is there. You get it all on the T.V., you get it on the radio, you look on the Internet, and many other places of knowledge. I
remember that saying, “Believe only half of what you see, and none of what you  hear”. From what I know you need to learn discernment.

Definitions of discernment:
  • understanding: the cognitive condition of someone who understands; "he has virtually no understanding of social cause and effect"
  • taste: delicate discrimination (especially of aesthetic values); "arrogance and lack of taste contributed to his rapid success"; "to ask at that particular time was the ultimate in bad taste"
  • perception of that which is obscure
  • sagacity: the mental ability to understand and discriminate between relations
  • discretion: the trait of judging wisely and objectively; "a man of discernment"
  • Discernment is a term used in Christian tradition to describe the process of discerning God's will for one's life. ...
  • The ability to distinguish; judgment; Discrimination; To distinguish between things; To perceive differences that exist; The condition of understanding; Aesthetic discrimination; taste, appreciation; Perceptiveness; The ability to make wise judgments; sagacity; Discretion in judging objectively
  • Prayerful reflection and discussion before taking a major decision.
  • A period of time devoted to choosing or deciding where one is called by God.
  • Discernment is a process of prayerful reflection which leads a person or community to understanding of God's call at a given time or in particular circumstances of life. ...
  • The process of searching one's heart through reflection and prayer to decide where the Spirit is leading, such as discerning a vocation.
  • A spiritual gift through which one discerns the inner states. It is not a sharpness of mind but the energy of the grace of God. It is a gift which pertains to the pureness. ...
  • The ability to perceive, recognize and distinguish; (1) the subtle shades of differences in vibrations; (2) to exercise good judgment in various matters; (3) determine whether something is spiritual or psychic, light or dark, good or evil. ...
  • Ears are located on the sides of human heads
  • Noun: 1. The quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure
It might now seem that we have a definitive "field guide" to discerning the spirits. We are given two clear tests by which we may be able to tell truth from error, divine inspiration from delusion and deception. And not only do we have the tests, we have an exhortation to put them to use.

How then are we to go about testing the Spirits? In what circumstances is such testing important and even necessary? If "testing the Spirits" implies rejecting what is false, are we to reject both the teaching and the teacher? We may suggest three guidelines as to how we can test the Spirits with discernment, that is, with wisdom, care and humility.

1. We are called on as a corporate community to test the spirits.
The spirits that are in view are the teachings and practices that threaten the church's mission and teaching. In John's view, whatever denies the centrality of Christ and his work in mediating knowledge of God would be detrimental to the health of the church and would compromise its mission. Together with other faithful members of the community, we are called on to wrestle with the difficult and complex issue of discerning how we are to understand and formulate the word of life so that it is heard as life-giving for people today.

2. It is also crucial to remember what we are called on to test. 
We are not called to test every single belief and practice of every individual who claims to be a Christian. In context, 1 John is dealing with the beliefs that the Christian community ought to hold in order to maintain its continuity with the affirmations of the apostles and eyewitnesses. The Elder is arguing for what the church must believe and guard in order to interpret faithfully the revelation of God in Jesus Christ. Therefore, it follows that those in positions of authority and leadership have the charge to interpret and teach God's truth responsibly.

We can require of them a standard of theological understanding and faithfulness that we might not ask of all church members. On the other hand, that does not mean that the church may simply allow its members to believe and do whatever they want. It is the church's responsibility to nurture and nourish its members, to teach, encourage, exhort and reprove them, to bring them into conformity with what it understands to be the truth. "Discerning the spirits" is not simply an end in itself.

3. We are called on to discern what is central to Christian faith and doctrine. 
Within the life of the church, some issues are more central than others, and few if any are more central than Christology (the doctrine of Christ) and soteriology (how we receive salvation). The confession of "Jesus Christ Incarnate" provides a test for how we are to understand Jesus. It would not be acceptable for a church to say that it does not matter how we understand Jesus, or that we may abandon John's affirmation that in Jesus we encounter God's revelatory word and so come to salvation in knowing God. But we must remember that the epistle does not give us a detailed explanation of exactly what "Jesus Christ Incarnate" means, nor does it address such issues as the manner of the Incarnation, the relationship of the "two natures" of Jesus and so on. We must be careful, then, on insisting that others believe exactly as we do when the Scriptures are silent or difficult to interpret with certainty.

Typically this is where disagreements arise. There is nothing wrong with the guide, but those who
use it are not always skilled in doing so. Even an infallible guide can be misused, for it is always used by fallible people.

In sum, two extremes are to be avoided. On the one hand, we ought not to rush to judgment on others. But, on the other hand, the church cannot avoid its task to teach and nurture people in the Christian faith. And to do so responsibly it must in every age and generation test the spirits, that is, approve and cherish that which is true because it comes from God's own Spirit of truth.

For those of you who don’t want to hear what comes from the bible, then why are you here? What is your purpose? Where are you headed? Look around and see all that exist in your world, and know that it is real? You are designed in wholeness and being in a perfect design, know that He is God!

Where do you stand in truth, and knowledge. If you don’t learn history, you will repeat it. In knowledge there is understanding. Learn for yourself, that which is your own truth. Not my truth, not someone else’s truth. Your Truth. Look within your soul, and know that He is God. What are you missing in your life that you are seeking? The unrest in this country is truly among all that is out here. Hear what sings to your soul. I know God, and He knows me.
Walk with Him daily, and don’t leave Him when it isn’t. Your in school, or at work, do others know how you live, breath, walk, talk? That is how it is America, it just isn’t convenient for you to take God with you daily. You know how you are, you just keep quiet, and just trudge along. Afraid? Fearful? Reluctant? Unsure? Doubtful? Who protects you in a nation that has dragged everyone into the dark places. Taken you into the low deep hole.

That place where there is fear and loathing. It just doesn’t work for those who walk in the light. Look at the T.V. As it is told to me, if it bleeds, it leads. What do you experience in those places where others are afraid to go.

Fools go where angels fear to tread.
It is all within you? Seek and you shall find. If it is all within you, then why are you looking? You have everything you need. We would all be born with everything we need, then there would be nothing else. Go figure. What is left then? Job had everything then it was all lost, and yet he kept faith because it was a part of him. It was him, and it was all he needed. When he should have given up on everything because all was gone, he stayed the course. In mourning, and all pain and trouble and despair, he stayed the faith. What more is there?

Job had the understanding that the difference between what he was going through, and knew that God would get him through. Just in faith, and being in the dwelling place with God. He didn’t wine and cry. He kept moving forward.

Look within yourself, and do you have it from birth? Have you taken God into yourself, and rely on Him for all that you have and give praise to Him for that which is what is you. If you have all within you that you need, then why would you accept Christ within yourself? Buried with HIM in baptism, raised to walk in newness of life.

Don't miss it.

Love and Life,

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Morning Stars

In the accompanying verses, God was demanding that Job search his heart for answers to some very strange questions, such as: Where were you when the foundations of the Earth were laid out? To Job and to each of us today, this is a strange question indeed. We feel so connected to physical life that how could we possibly have been anywhere when the foundations of the Earth were set! But we were -- a godly part of us, made in the image of the Creator.

According to this legend, on that first morning, flush with life -- our young minds ablaze with wonder -- we god-lings began to explore the Cosmos. As children do, we peered into the many mansions of our Father’s house and found wonders upon wonders. Eventually, some of us came to this present solar system, with its beautiful star and nine planets. Our first appearance here was not an incarnation, perhaps, because there were no human bodies then. In that dawn we were minds in the breeze, voices in the wind -- voices foretelling of the eventual coming of humanity. With a youthful joy, we looked forward to entering this new realm and exploring its wonders.

Earth was not the only planet we visited, nor was the third dimension our primary level of consciousness. The universe was ours to enjoy. By doing so, we would grow to become true companions to the Creator of the universe, who loves us and longs to enjoy our companionship. In quiet moments we may sense the truth of this story.

As the psalmist wrote of us: “Ye are gods, all of you sons [and daughters] of the Most High,” Ps. 82:6. How have we lost touch with this truth? How have we become so terrestrial, so temporary? Where is our celestial, eternal nature, our mind that once flew through the Cosmos? Cayce says that it is still within us, waiting to be awakened! He says that each of us can find it in the depths of sleep and dreams, prayers and meditations, and by letting God’s spirit flow into our physical lives and the lives of those around us.

This world has now become an important part of our soul growth. An incarnation here is purposeful. As mundane as physical life can be at times, our soul has purposefully sought out this incarnation to resolve some of its karma by learning new lessons of cooperation and love. But, from time to time, it’s good to connect with our original, heavenly self again, not just within us but within others.

The morning stars may well sing together again!


Love and Light..