Thursday, September 24, 2015


Today as I was working and writing I felt this energy come upon me and I knew I had to sit still and be in the presence of that energy.  As I let go and placed myself in meditation, I could feel the Light and Love of God embracing me, filling me with gratitude.  When the meditation ended I continued to feel the energy of gratitude moving through me.  I knew it was time to write to a couple very specific people in my life, as it was time to let them know my deepest thoughts for them and know that I had the opportunity to say what was in my heart.

The one thing I have learned in the last ten years so deeply, is that time is not about us, it is about the timing of God, the presence of change and movement in our lives so we can become and do what we came here to do.
Years ago Oprah had someone on her show that shared his story about not having enough time to tell his father how he felt before his father passed.  I am not sure why that had the affect on me that it did, but, I heard that message deep down inside of me and I am so thankful that I did.  I sat down and wrote my parents a letter from my heart, sharing my thoughts, my love and gratitude with them for being the wonderful and kind parents they were.

I have always been a card sender, sending cards to thank others, to let them know I was thinking of them, it is just who I am and I love that aspect of myself because it gives me great joy to let others know how important they are to me in my world.

Well today when that energy came over me to meditate the same feelings came to me to sit down and write to those specific individuals and share my soul thoughts with them.

We often think we have tomorrow, we have time, we don’t have to tell them anything because they know.  It is true, they probably do know, but, when I receive letters and cards of gratitude, care and thank you notes, it brightens my day to know that someone was thinking about me, and took the time to communicate with me a hand written note or letter.  I continue to believe in the regular mailing system, and love to go to the mailbox and receive something unexpected that fills my heart with joy.

That letter I wrote and sent to my parents way back, I found in a frame on their bedroom wall once when I went to visit them, I sat down and the tears came because I knew it was received and they that it was important enough to frame and be present in their lives every day.

We live in a very fast moving world right now.  We share things on facebook that sometimes I cringe at and sometimes smile about and all, but, the whole world is looking at it too!

Writing to someone is private, it is intended to be between you and me.  It is so special to know you are thought of and to let others know they are special too!

I have met someone new who is a friend of someone I love dearly and I have received two cards from him already within the very short time I have had the joy of getting to know him.

I thought about it when I wrote today.  Whether it is sent by the regular mail, email or handed to them, it is important to let someone in your life know how you feel, tomorrow isn't promised to us and letting others know how important they are to you and what they may have done for you that was deeply moving and important is such a wonderful gift, lifts the spirit and the soul sings a song.

Thank you,

Oneesha La Ka

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